Learning astrology: the meaning of Saturn in the natal chart


Astrology of the natal chart:  Saturn

Saturn is the planet of boundaries, limitations and discipline. In astrology, the placement of this planet in your chart can point to an area of life where you experience difficulties. However, these problems may ultimately lead to greater sense of discipline which can ultimately help the individual develop a talent or skill in this area.


The zodiac sign as well as the house in which Saturn sits in your chart will give some indication of the kind limitation you must face in order to grow. On an emotional level, people often feel a sense of gloom and isolation in area related to their Saturn zodiac sign. For instance, a man with Saturn in Taurus may feel threatened with a sense of lack and move past a resulting tendency to miserly behavior in order to mature. A woman with Saturn in Cancer may have a sense that her family background limits her achievements. Someone with Saturn in Gemini may have difficulty relating to his siblings or be teased mercilessly in grade school.


Remember, however, that Saturn sits further from the Sun than the Earth does. This mean it moves fairly slowly, taking nearly thirty years to complete a cycle. In terms of astrology, this means that people born in the same year will tend to have Saturn in the same sign. So we must look not only at the zodiac sign, but the house position of Saturn to gain a more individualized sense of the meaning of Saturn in a person’s chart. The zodiac sign will color the influence of Saturn in the chart to some extent, but the house placement will determine where in life Saturn has its strongest effect.
The third house in the chart is related to short-term communications and early learning experiences. A person whose natal chart shows Saturn in this area may be diagnosed while in grade school with speech defect or learning disability. However, applying themselves to overcoming this obstacle may force them to pay closer attention to this area rather than rushing heedlessly through it. A girl who stammers may correct this tendency through lessons and through paying attention to her voice, go on to make a living as a radio broadcaster. Similarly, boy who struggles to read because of dyslexia may ultimately become a writer.
Saturn’s house placement points to the area in life where we must exercise discipline and develop maturity if we are to achieve a sense of successful adulthood. Saturn is often referred to as the lord of karma because the challenge it poses can occupy much of a person’s life. With Saturn in the eleventh house of group affiliations, a woman may need to recognize and respect the maturity of those in her peer group in order to overcome her own immaturity. A man with Saturn in the twelfth house of self-undoing may struggle with alcoholism for decades before finally becoming a true adult in his 60s.

Think of one or two short phrases to define the main challenges you have faced in life.  Chances are these are also the keywords describing the house where Saturn sits in your chart.


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